So who is the most approchable factory rider you've met?

Discussion in 'General' started by vizsladog, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    That KTM was broken!
  2. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Now I'm craving a McRib.
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Had one last night and then one for breakfast. My guts did not approve.
  4. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    All the AMA factory guys are really friendly and approachable, but Geoff May takes the cake. I had to make up an excuse to cut the conversation short after asking him for a photo for Rocco Horvath. Josh hayes is also exceptionally friendly, but he's usually so busy and intensely focused that I leave him alone. Of the vets, Scott Russell and Jason Pridmore are both class acts. :up:
  5. BigHeadzDC

    BigHeadzDC One Track Wonder

    I've found all the AMA guys I've run into to be great guys. Steve Rapp was very cool when I met him out at Chuckwalla recently. Actually.. let me clarify that. The guys who run up front seem to be pretty cool. Some of the mid-pack to back-marker guys can be dicks, like they feel the need to show you how superior they are to you. Not all of them, just some of them. I'll refrain from outing the guilty.
  6. vrc

    vrc Well-Known Member

    Michael Barns is pretty awesome!
  7. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Barney rocks!

    "Let's see, I've crashed 250 GP bikes, superbikes, Harleys, the Britten... I haven't crashed this one. Yet.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  8. motorbykemike

    motorbykemike beer snob

    everybody in that pic rocks !

    datz ah guud un lance
  9. d-wire

    d-wire Well-Known Member

    I get along with just about everyone....but Luie Zendejas and Chris Broome really stand out as really approachable factory riders
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  11. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Glad I didn't have a drink in my mouth when I read that.

  12. D-wire, you shoulda came over to my pit at the GNF, I woulda given you an autograph'ed knee puck or something. :D
  13. g maloney

    g maloney Well-Known Member

    Barney rocks!
    "Let's see, I've crashed 250 GP bikes, superbikes, Harleys, the Britten... I haven't crashed this one. Yet.
    How true! (he crashed a 500 too) - he jokes about be one of the few to crash some of the rarest bikes. When he rode 250 AMA with us he stuffed a pack of smokes in his leathers, in case he crashed or broke he could have a smoke. I have many riders I could mention (I've had the pleasure working with many great riders) Guys who never rode for me that I would mention: Randy renfrow, david jefferies, John mcguiness
    Thanks for posting the photo! - cool pic!
  14. d-wire

    d-wire Well-Known Member

    I would have but you have Stokes and Disalvo as security... I mean who has factory riders as security??? lol :D
  15. :crackup: They are pretty tough :D
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I call bullshit :D
  17. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Mongo has eaten meals bigger than Jason.
  18. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    That was a much image better than the way I would have put it... :Puke:
  19. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    Ty Howard is a cool as dude (i count him as factory)

    but by far the coolest dude is CE3

    did a lot of riding with him around huntsville after running into him at a gas station.

    Have run into him quite a few times after that. riders around here just refer to him as colin...just one of the dudes.

    oh, and he drags hardparts on a goldwing. :D

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