Bubba to Suzuki

Discussion in 'General' started by yzmaico, May 7, 2012.

  1. yzmaico

    yzmaico Well-Known Member

  2. discoduc2

    discoduc2 "shift wanker shift"

    Now we know why Yosh cant afford to pay the Road Racers:(:Puke:

    What a f@ckin waste of money
  3. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

  4. Tdub

    Tdub Say what???

    I agree with you BUT...I would bet the offroad market is huge compared to road exhaust sales.
  5. SpeedyTide

    SpeedyTide 'Bama's Bad Boy

    The dollars (money) are in Supercross racing. Simple as that.

    Wish it were moreso for roadracing, but just isn't the case.
  6. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Yep... sadly.
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    If you could road race in a stadium or arena it would be. It's the ability to put the entire show in front of the spectator that draws the money. Same as in Napcar.
  8. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member


    And I personally think, that the average american is just too lazy to get into being a fan of roadracing. I think for some, its confusing, and just too much to comprehend.

    I know this, because my dad is a HUGE napcar fan....

    We get into some heated debates about the WOW factor of both sports.

    Unless you have actually ridden a bike, and know just how hard it is to do, you have no respect or understanding of the sport.
  9. sbhockey

    sbhockey Orange shirt #157

    Yup, more convenient for the casual fan. Now if you actually have to get out in the heat of the summer, and walk around the track to see the racing, that's just too much work...
    Last edited: May 7, 2012
  10. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Yep. Cater to the short attention span.
  11. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Plus, every swingin' dick watching NASCAR knows, just KNOWS in his heart of hearts that if he had Junior's car he could run right up there with `em.

    Those same folks look at a motorcycle race and have NO idea, can't make a connection because they have no touchstone.
  12. yzmaico

    yzmaico Well-Known Member

    Bubba's apparel contract is close to 2.5 million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even if someone wanted to buy those goofy Nike boots, ya can't, because they not in production...how many years has Bubba been wearing them?

    I don't know, I guess Bubba puts fans in the seats.
  13. Riders Discount

    Riders Discount 866-931-6644 ext 817

    You can buy them but they will have a TCX logo on them.
  14. trancework

    trancework It's always now...

    That and catching air... maybe we could have some of the tracks build in Cadwell-esque jumps.
  15. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    Didn't Suzuki loose DeCoster and Dungey cause of money problems?
  16. yzmaico

    yzmaico Well-Known Member

    Just curious, what TCX model would that be?

    Not really apples and apples is it? Stewart and Dungey boots look....weird:Puke:
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I doubt Suzuki is paying Bubba eleventy bazillion dollars a year. They don't have 11 dollars.

    Probably got him cheap.
  18. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Might be a clause in his contract saying if you crash and don't finish you don't get paid. That would save alot of money.
  19. Kris87

    Kris87 Friendly Smartass

    bunch of Bubba haters here as always. Go Bubba!!!!!!!!
  20. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    The venue facilities are the key to crowd draw. A racer/rider, especially a M/X racer/rider, will go to any track out there because they only care about the track itself. If you want spectators, specifically the Mothers/Wives/Girlfriends of said participant, you better have an acceptable "facilities" area and that is what gives S/X and it's football/baseball venue such a huge edge over the traditional outdoor M/X venues even though the outdoor racing if the far more exciting to watch for the spectators and challenging for the riders.
    If you have ever been into M/X at a more "localized" level, you know what I'm talking about when it comes to the typically sorry state of the "facilities".
    As far as Stewart goes, that guy has been on the downhill slide ever since he started that ridiculous TV show and bought into all that hype put forth about him being "The Fastest Man On The Planet". What exactly is the "upside" of signing him? If he wins, that's what he is supposed to do and everybody knows the machine brand doesn't matter. If he loses, he trashes your product and his sycophants back him up on the internet forums.

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