River Monsters

Discussion in 'General' started by james walker, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    'catching up on some older episodes of 'River Monsters' last night i realized...

    Jeremy Wade is frickin' Chuck Norris of the river. :D that dude is a bad ass.
  2. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    I have the dvr set to record a show tonight at 6pm on the Smithsonian Channel. It's called Titanoboa: Monster Snake. It's about a prehistoric fossil of a 48 ft, 2500 lb snake discovered in a Columbian coal mine. Could be interesting.

    And yes....River Monsters is a great show:up:

    STEEZO Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I thought after he noodled that big ass Salamander!!
  4. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    i'm waiting for the round house kick. it's coming.....
  5. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    I have to watch the season premiere off the dvr later on today. Love that show
  6. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    Hey, that is one bad ass dude. My wife has a crush on him, and she hate accents.

    That episode where they caught a fresh water stingray was bad ass. The whole concept is pretty cool, just can't fake that stuff like other reality shows.

    Although I bet they waste a LOT of footage just sitting in the boat.
  7. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    I think that's why my wife likes him:rolleyes:
  8. L8RSK8R

    L8RSK8R Well-Known Member

    Can't watch it, too many "oh shit, whats gonna happen next" moments....cuts to break :(
  9. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    My daughter loves that show. And then she's up all night because she thinks something creepy from the river is under her bed.
  10. Badmeat

    Badmeat Well-Known Member

    That's why you DVR and fast forward thru the bs.
  11. benny6d9

    benny6d9 Well-Known Member

    i'm friends with his girlfriend....he's a cool dude she's an idiot
  12. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    I saw one where they netted some 500lb fish that flopped around and bruised his heart??
    But him fighting that preggo stingray and breaking the rod and ripping a tendon was awesome!

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