Dress Clothes for Slim Guys.... Calling DaveK and others

Discussion in 'General' started by volcomrr, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    1. Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, and J Crew are the go to for slim styles.

    2. The reason you are having issues with your shirts not staying tucked in is because you are wearing your pants on your hips, not at your waist.

    3. Skinny anything is completly unflattering as a professional lool as Skinny and Fitted are totally different approaches. Unless you live in Miami, stick with fitted.
  2. darylbowden

    darylbowden Well-Known Member

    I knew you would call me on that lol. That's what I get for trying to keep it simple dammit.
  3. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Want to know how I know you're all ghey.... :)

    Sorry it was too easy :)
  4. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    1. Calvin Klein seems to never have my size (at least in the pants dept.) I'll check BR and JCrew

    2. Yes they sit on my hips, they always have, probably because they just fall down to my hips, it's not like I have anything at my waist to keep them there.

    3. Slim, Tailored, Fitted, Skinny, it's all the same.
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I used to have to buy my pants in the kid's department. I was too skinny and the kids department had 26 and 28 waist.
  6. light 3

    light 3 the bot

    jcrew has those in between sizes and slimmer fitting clothes. i'm 6', 150 lbs. and seem to find good stuff there.
  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I feel your pain. US stores are biased to Fat Americans.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Screw all you skinny people. There aren't clothes for larger type people out there either.
  9. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK


  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm too poor for custom tailoring like that :D
  11. sowega

    sowega #710

    Yeah, right. Like you needed another reason to be in the kids' department, Pervy McSicko.
  12. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    Wait a second......didn't Dave go to Penn St.?
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Actually, I did. :D
  14. dakh

    dakh Well-Known Member

    5'11" and 145lbs.. Yea nothing fits. Rarely something pops up that does, like a Hugo Boss slim fit shirt or CK. Usually not slim enough in the waist and too small in the shoulders for me.

    On the other hand just about anything G-Star fits fine. They don't make formal cloths though.

    Bottom line, move to West Coast and forget about the whole wearing dress shirt/pant BS.

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