Dress Clothes for Slim Guys.... Calling DaveK and others

Discussion in 'General' started by volcomrr, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    So I bought a pair of Photographer style pants from Express the other day and they fit spot on with what I wanted, a skinny style dress pants (almost like skinny jeans, except dress pants, yes I wear a flat bill). I don't like baggy clothes and I think clothes that are fitted to me look the best.

    I really like Express' 1MX Extra Slim and 1MX Fitted shirts, BUT, they're all too short down to my waist. It's as if I have an extremely tall torsoe but very short legs (DaveK has short legs, that's why I added him in the title).

    It bothered me that if I lift my arms up to reach up for something, the shirt would come untucked at the sides. They don't offer a "Tall" size in XS or S.

    Really thought I had found my place for dress clothes; anybody know of any other stores that cater to slim short/tall guys?

    If it helps I'm 5'-9.5" | 145# | 34.5in chest | 27.75" waist (but I wear 29 or 30 just because pants sit on my hips weird) | 32" arm length

  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I'm short and fat right now and any discussion that has "slim fit and extra medium" leaves me with a Nigel Tufnel look on my face. :D

    How much do you want to spend? Ralph Lauren Black Label is cut for you freaks (Expensive), Brooks Brothers has slim and extra slim shirts (pricey), Thomas Pink (VERY expensive) and then there's charles tyrwhitt slim and tailored fits (most bang for the buck out there IMHO and there's always a sale going on).
  3. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    If your looking for something off the rack, then continue on. I'd recommend taking it to a taylor, they really dont cost that much, but can do wonders for making your clothes look the best
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Derick is 100% mucho righto. Custom shirts may be the way to go and if you find the right tailor or shirt maker, it can be cheaper than off the rack in a lot of cases.

    But if you don't want that, check out tyrwhitt.
  5. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    :crackup: Alright, I'll check these brands out. As far as cost goes, I just want something that fits me right. I realize and have accepted the fact that i'm gonna have to pay for fitted clothing.

    Do you mean, taking it, as in the too short shirt to a taylor and have them extending it? How in the world would that work, with matching the color and fabric type???? DaveK made your post seem a little more legit, as in take my body measurements to a taylor and have them make me a shirt. Is that what you were meaning?
  6. discoduc2

    discoduc2 "shift wanker shift"

    Burberry makes all kinds of shit for skinny f@cks:p
  7. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    I've had good luck with Brooks Brothers slim shirts but I'm bigger than you. Try the extra slim even though it's not much smaller.

    I have never found an off the rack shirt to fit all the way around, just parts (sleeves but to long, neck but sleeves to short, etc).
  8. sowega

    sowega #710

    I'm 6' and 170-175. Kenneth Cole, Brooks Brothers, Paul Frederick, and (surprisingly) Alfani all make good slim fit stuff. My advice is to find a good tailor and ask him after having him alter a few shirts.
  9. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    no. if the shirt is too long or doesnt fit right, they will cut it apart and put it back together to fit you. I'm not talking about the oriental alterations lady you see at the cleaner. I mean an actual taylor. They can also make you shirts and underwear.

    btw. I'm 6'1 about 160, I buy a lot of my clothes from banana republic
  10. Dits

    Dits Will shit in your fort.

    What's wrong with clothes from Tractor Supply you pretty boys? :Poke:

  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Shut up chicken f@cker, just because you're trying to go off the grid doesn't mean he wants to wear a feed sack as a shirt like you. :D
  12. Shady

    Shady Well-Known Member

    I'd definitely recommend buying custom tailor-made dress clothes. It may take a resizing or two to get the fit absolutely perfect, but it is a night and day difference and the price is nearly identical. If don't have a good local tailor then try www.moderntailor.com. Best part is you just specify the fabric and can have them made any way you wish. I use a tailor that I was fitted for in Hong Kong and you can order online using your own measurements (http://www.leebaron.ca/main.html) but the idea is the same. I get no front pocket, wide spread collar, wider left side cuff for my watch and some of the shirts are medium tail so that I can wear them untucked if I'm wearing them in a casual setting.
  13. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    No. Your missing what i'm saying. Just about every dress shirt I have is TOO SHORT! At the hips, where your pants are, the shirt only goes an inch under the pant line. It comes untucked way too easy. Get it? I don't care whether it's an orient taylor or tim taylor, I don't see how they could add fabric to that part of the shirt.

    Nothing is wrong with clothes from Tractor Supply when I'm working in a field full of horse poop, goat poop, chicken poop, dog poop, donkey poop, mud, briars, etc. :D

    But I'd like to look decent when I'm at work. :up:
  14. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Sale rack at Steinmart. The smaller you are the more abundant and cheaper the selection. :up:
  15. turbulence

    turbulence Well-Known Member

    no, you're missing the point. do you think they only make shirts long enough for guys 5'7" and below?

    you buy a large tall, or large slim which WILL be long enough, then you take it to a tailor and have them take in the sides so it fits like it's supposed to.

    ain't rocket science.
  16. th3_d0c

    th3_d0c Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't go this far to get tailor-made clothes. But, I would REALLY recommend taking anything you buy to a tailor and getting it fitted. JCrew and LandsEnd(if you are in the NorthEast) both have great clothes and their sale sections are usually pretty good with an extra 30-40% off at least once a month.
    But, go to a few different tailors, have them each fit a shirt/jeans/slacks and pick the one that you liked the most. Hop on yelp and find reviews for a tailor in your area, this will be the best way to find clothes that fit you.

    Also, check out http://www.dappered.com/ for good sale picks and such (I'm not associated with the site, just a fan of it).
  17. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    I did miss the point :eek:
    Thanks for clarifying :up:

    I'll see what kind of tailor's I have in the area.
  18. darylbowden

    darylbowden Well-Known Member

    You just need to buy from a designer who makes clothes for your body type. Most american designers (and mall retail type stores) make clothes for the typical american - boxy and overweight. Almost every european designer will have exactly what you're looking for - moderate price: Paul Smith. Very fucking expensive: Thom Browne. However, if you want to find cheaper clothes that still fit your body type, try H&M. They usually have shirts under 50 bucks and they offer a more contemporary european cut.
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Thom Browne is 'merican. :D Born in Allentown PA.

    He does a line for Brooks Brothers: Black Fleece.

    But yeah, it's cut for freaks. :D
  20. volcomrr

    volcomrr BUDDY

    cue song....

    It's freaky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time
    It's Freaky... DaveK is Freaky!

    darylbowden, I'll check 'em out, even the american-european supposedly just european guy :D Thanks!

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