Funniest/dumbest/scariest things heard at a rider's meeting

Discussion in 'General' started by t11ravis, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    He should spend time in the Dungeon, he really would be hating life.
  2. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    We had a warning about worms on the track once. I think it was Pocono East, which was COVERED with them.

    And yes, they don't help traction much.

    Hearing Speedy's "don't be an asshole" speeches where priceless. Never a dull moment with that guy.
  3. flagboy

    flagboy Well-Known Member

    At Cycle Jam a couple of years ago;

    "I'm holding it wide open too long on the 2 board, would you change your start?"
  4. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    Crazy that there are that many tracks that you drive across with 30,000lb+ vehicles! :wow:
    Oh another one from Nelson at the riders meeting...
    "When you come out of the carousel you will see that we put a traffic cone in the middle of the track to mark the hole there"

    Ride safe,
  5. bobbyk

    bobbyk Well-Known Member

    A few years ago, Dutch was doing the rider's meeting at a NESBA track day at Summit Main. For some reason, Dick Cheney's hunting accident came up. Some silly comments were made by the crowd, after which Dutch replied, "Oh come on...I like Dick."
  6. orientexpress11

    orientexpress11 Well-Known Member

    Trackday at Calabogie.

    Person running the meeting: "Guys, we've had a lot of problems with inside passing with the slower groups, please follow the group rules. Also we've had a few sightings of turtles here, they look like a big box and can hurt you if you hit it."

    Person in the crowd: "Can we pass the turtles on the inside or only on the outside."
  7. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    What's wrong w/ that? I don't get it.
  8. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    IIRC, Hallett used to have a turtle flag.
  9. BrianC636

    BrianC636 Well-Known Member

    Still does..... :)
  10. Every riders meeting Dan has at Jennings is full of fucking winning. :crackup:
  11. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    Some people, including myself, found it surprising that tracks would allow 30,000lb+ vehicles to drive on a surface you are going to race on in a couple minutes. They tend to cause bumps, could drop fluid, drag debris, etc. Guess its just me.

    Ride safe,
  12. Paint Shaker

    Paint Shaker Tractor Motor Racer

    Yup! :Poke:
  13. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Nope, I was also suprised the first time I ran Nelson to see they used the racing surface as part of the paddock driveway.

    Then again, I honestly thought the track had to be an 'access road' to the real track the first time I drove over it....I still remember thinking 'the track's gotta be around here somewhere' :crackup:
  14. Kyle827

    Kyle827 Well-Known Member

    When I pulled into Nelson with the wife for the first time I told her that we were "on" the track. She said thats the track? It doesn't look very nice. HAHAHA
  15. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    i once saw a dog mount another riders dog and start going to town :D
  16. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    Stay outta my pit area Jeff:D

    Ride safe,
  17. YAM#849

    YAM#849 y'all watch this...

    Check out the offerings at the paddock concession at Mid Ohio. It's the riders' responsibility not to imbibe, but it's right there if the spectators want it...
  18. Blu Flag

    Blu Flag Well-Known Member

    Not during the riders briefing but later in the day. "I think it's a woodchuck on track" "that no woodchuck it's Simoncelli".
  19. ThrottleJock

    ThrottleJock Has been/Never was

    The guy that has 1000 cats? Weird.
  20. hank748

    hank748 Well-Known Member

    Dutch & Speedy always had the best Rider's Meetings...

    Speedy once screamed at a group riding Pocono about their crashing and included a reference to their lack of throttle control with "finger-banging Mary Rotten Crotch"... I forgot the exact phrasing, but it was classic Speedy. I miss that guy...

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