Casey Stoner is...

Discussion in 'General' started by Cannoli, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    My Hero! I was wrong in every way....
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Left the computer logged in again.
  3. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    "Rossi is going to fail."

    -Groucho Marx
  4. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

  5. primo

    primo Well-Known Member

    Stoner is a good boy. :clap:
  6. dianhsuhe

    dianhsuhe Well-Known Member

    Casey Stoner is...

    A talented little biotch
  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    He's food drunk. It'll pass.
  8. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    Numbers don't lie. He is one talented rider. Hate to admit it, but he has more wins than any other rider in the crappy 800cc era. The fact that the goat has been made to look rather ordinary this year on that p.o.s. bike just proves how good he is. Flame away....:beer:
  9. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    "not world champ, 2010"*

    *Horhay :D
  10. Cannoli's Wife

    Cannoli's Wife Cannoli smell my posts...

  11. Repo Man

    Repo Man 50 years of Yamaha GP!!

    Sad.... :(

    Is this what you had to do to get your screen name back??? :confused:
  12. Repo Man

    Repo Man 50 years of Yamaha GP!!

    Fixerated..... :p
  13. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

  14. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Starting from the first spot. AGAIN.
  15. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    he's still a punk biatch :Poke:
  16. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    I <3 Corissa.
  17. rk1951

    rk1951 Well-Known Member

    Stoner, Bahaahahahhahahahahahaha. That is the only thing that comes to mind.
  18. How much did Papa pay you to do that?:D
  19. Jeff McKinney

    Jeff McKinney Well-Known Member

    Rossi sucks,the true mark of a champ is what he can do on inferior equipment.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011
  20. Well, if you look at the definition of a champ, its one who has won a championship. Rossi has won 9.

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