Only One More day!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by MR-MICROPHONE, May 19, 2011.


    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!


    Thank Goodness!!!! Only one more day to suffer through of hearing the woman in the cubicle across the way attempt to sing along with whatever junk she has playing in her earphones. :Puke:

    Totally obnoxious! :rolleyes:

    OK, I'm done. ;)
  2. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

    "Corporate accounts payable this is Nina speaking. Just a moment."

  3. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    "And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire..."

    (BTW - anything lined up, Jeff?)
  4. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

  5. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    ♫ ♪"Iiiii see you driving 'round towwwn with the girl i loooove and i'm like...
    phuuuck youuuOoohOooh
    " ♪ ♫

  6. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I have a horrible fake cackle that comes from a couple of cubes away. I do it back when I hear it.

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Now I ask; Are YOU done?!! :D

    LOL!! Nothing solid yet. Got an email from a guy this morning looking for management and warehouse people. The company he works for is located in the building we moved from to come here. :D How ironic would that be to get a job in the old building? HA!

    As for the OP, they are shutting the phones down tomorrow for order entry. So no more of that group in the office and her making the paint fall off of the walls. :D As I type this I want to throw a hammer over the cubicle wall! Whoops, was that my outside typing? LOL!

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    When she is singing...sorry, attempting to sing..I usually will start the dog howling thing and it cracks everybody up. :D
  9. odell2115

    odell2115 Well-Known Member

    I've got an obnoxiously loud woman over the cube wall who sounds exactly like a hen turkey calling when she laughs. I mean, exactly like a box or slate call yelp. When she does it, I'll occasionally gobble loud as hell and listen to about 4 isles of cubes bust out laughing.

    She still has no idea why everyone is laughing after 2 years.

  10. scott65

    scott65 Well-Known Member

    Now thats funny!! :up:
  11. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    You need to get one of the shake gobblers. :D
  12. bj

    bj Well-Known Member

    Russian in the next cube, on her cell for 20 minutes at a time....da....da....da....da....da....something unintelligible...da....da....da....da....da....da....
  13. noobinacan

    noobinacan Well-Known Member

    back in school, had a friend working at the International student office
    "International student office, this is summer" all day long on the phone.

    so at night or even when she's not working you call her cell phone...
    she'd usually go "International student office, this is....ugh..crap..freakin hell"

    We'd laugh about it for hours.
  14. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    Holy shyt! I have never worked in a cubicle environment, but I swear that if I did, by break time the first day I would have hurled a grenade over the wall at some idiot! I used to do business phone systems, often working in office environments, and just the idiocy that I heard in the time it took to pull a wire across a drop ceiling made me want to jam a screwdriver in somebody's eye.

    (Hint to office workers: If you see a ladder and a couple ceiling tiles opened up near your desk, look up before you change your tampon in your cubicle. If I'm in the ceiling, I can see you through the vents and light fixtures. Same thing goes for the guys whacking the wizard on company time. I'm just saying.)
  15. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    That would be pretty damn funny...regardless, continued good luck in landing something soon :up:
  16. duckracer

    duckracer Well-Known Member

    Tell her American Idol called...And she's not going to Hollywood!!!!!!

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Thank You Sir!!! :up:

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    :D Next time she sings, I will!! ;)

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