updates to classifieds

Discussion in 'General' started by Rusty, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    I just pushed some new code up to the site with a number of changes...

    -fixed breadcrumb issue where not all parent categories showed up
    -fixed tooltip and image upload Javascript related issues on the edit-item page
    -fixed problem where selecting a category and clicking search always searched with bad results, now it searches using a wildcard for all items within the category.
    -fixed all the classes that were labled ad-[classname] and changed to prefix to post-[classname] to take care of the Ad Blocker Plus issues.
    -fixed contact form so it no longer allows you to send messages by just filling out the captcha equation
    -fixed custom email headers that caused gmail to send the "email as an attachment"
    -fixed "next page" arrows on the homepage that were not working
    -fixed validation issues including the issue with chrome and the ad submission text box
    -fixed edit page to properly update new custom posts type tags
    -fixed styles for "edit ad" page where image meta data was not floating correctly in IE
    -fixed radio button issue both with the edit page, and with the "None" selected issue
    -fixed clock and folder icons so the bottoms aren't cutoff in IE
    -fixed ad display where title was not justifying correctly

    -added "real" email address and additional contact information to email responses (most can just hit "reply" but it case that wasn't working for your email client you now can see the actual address that sent you the message)
    -added tag cloud to each page

    -added "new" category under "Parts"
    -added "used" category under "Parts"

    -added "size" field on ad creation page
    -added "condition" field on ad creation page
    -added "make" field on ad creation page

    (the additional fields will show up next to the images on the ads and are used in the search function.)

    -added the ability to subscribe to an item's comments without leaving a comment
    -added a subscription management page on the dashboard so that you can edit your subscriptions

    I think that's all for now...
  2. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    That's a hell of an action item list Rusty. Good job and thanks!
  3. Nice work Rusty :up:
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    Well done. Much, much cleaner through the WC3 validator now... :up:

  5. SV650R


    Are you guys getting spam from the Classified Section?

    I am getting funky messages from People in Italy and the UK requesting Western Union money transfers...

    I never had this issues before... I do not mind paying for a good service...

    I just do not want to get my email bombarded by hackers... I am NOT sending Wester Union Money Transfers to ANYONE!!!

    I am just putting the word out, so that NO ONE else GET'S TAKEN FOR A RIDE on an apparent good deal by a SCAMMER!!!

    Buyers beware!!! Luis
  6. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

    Rusty, you sure dont do much do you? :D

    Gonna be at Tally next weekend?
  7. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    Well if you wouldn't post your email address out in the clear you probably wouldn't get the spam... :Poke:

    The contact form on the site requires a login... so if someone spams from that we'll ban them real quick. But I would bet that the spam you're getting is due to the fact that you're posting your email out in the clear.

    So... um... don't do that.
  8. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    I'll be there on Saturday for a while. No ride yet... been a little busy. :D
  9. SV650R


    Noted... I am just saying it was not a problem before...

  10. RFairbairn

    RFairbairn Well-Known Member

    Hey Rusty,

    Is there a way to get an email notification when someone posts a response to the ad? I don't check it very often and have missed a few posts and sales.
    I did ask for people to email me and included my email at the bottom of the ad but that doesn't always work.

  11. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    You should automatically be getting notifications on ads that you post. Check your spam folder.

    Check your post subscriptions here: http://weraclassifieds.com/comment-subscriptions/ (you'll have to login first)
  12. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    The ads are being pushed out to a lot more places than they were before. Google, Facebook, Twitter... all of these and more get notified every time a post is made. This increases the visibility of all of the ads, but obviously that can have a negative effect as well.

    Good to know that "somebody" is finding the ads out there though... :D
  13. Rx3

    Rx3 1%

    Good job monkey, now get back in your cage!!!

    Ok seriously, thanks for the efforts on the new classifieds, like it a lot. :)
  14. RFairbairn

    RFairbairn Well-Known Member

    Nothing automatically and nothing in the spam folder. I think this pt is what got me:
    " Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.
    You can manage the subscriptions of this entry."

    I checked the box for follow up via email, but I didn't realize you had to respond for that to take effect.
    I just went back and clicked the link to subscribe w/out commenting and now my latest ad shows up in manage my acct settings.
    It would be nice if the subscription was automatic unless you opt out or a way to subscribe in the manage subscription tab or a box to check while processing the ad.

  15. ittayem66

    ittayem66 Well-Known Member

    is there any way to renew a ad that has recently expired?
  16. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    I'll look at that a little closer.
  17. Rusty

    Rusty WERA Code Monkey

    There is a re-list link on your dashboard for the ad. Just click on the pay-pal icon and it will take you through the process...
  18. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    I dont know if its an issue for anyone else... but under the contact tab of a live ad where you can send an email inquiry... it lists one of the first items I had on there (now sold) for sale in the subject line. Is that a default setting of sorts?
  19. hintonrsvr

    hintonrsvr Well-Known Member

    I put my bike up for sale the other day but I cannot tell if anyone is even viewing it. Is there any way to know?

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