So I just had to call 911 an hour ago

Discussion in 'General' started by CAMELTOEHUNTER, Nov 13, 2010.


    CAMELTOEHUNTER Well-Known Member

    Out looking for a new couch for my place, and my mom eats that kind of stuff up, loves to "shop around"

    We are walking toward a furniture store in the parking lot and notice two elderly ladies with canes crossing an "island" you know, where they have the mulch, etc.

    Well they are going very slow, so we take a different route about 10 feet away, I look over and holy shit, this 75ish year old lady misjudged her step, kinda froze when she realised she was off balance, and goes straight over backward.

    The sound we heard when her head hit the concrete was sickining. Immediatly I pull out the cell and dial 911, because honestly this lady took a hit where I'm sure it's not going to be good.

    The other woman looked at us frantic and said "We need an ambulance"

    Called 911, was very precise about everything took maybe 2 mins with all the info, started to take off my jacket for the lady's head, but saw that someone had retrieved a pillow and blanket from a car.

    When I hang up, I'm both shocked and amazed.. She's talking to my mother and the other lady who turnd out to be her daughter , coherent, clear, and there's no blood. She says she dosent need an ambulance, but everyone there disagrees, "so just stay there please, they are on the way"

    When she left in the ambulance, she was still alert and talking, so I hope she is fine.
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    That was cool as f@ck of you! :up:

    A lot of people would pretend to not see it and go about their business.
  3. tawzx12r

    tawzx12r Influencer to none

    Scary moment indeed ....:eek:

    Glad everybody is OK.....:D

    A lot of folks would have kept right on going....:up:
  4. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    Good call getting the bus to roll ASAP.:up:

    Gravity is not kind to the old folks. My Mom has scared us a few times with falls in the last 10 years.
  5. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Good on're a better man than scotth. He would have just stood over her and yelled "Die you old bag...DIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  6. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    Was she wearing her helmet?
  7. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Great job, some scumbags would have went for her purse.
  8. caferace

    caferace No.

    Did she have a camel toe? :D

  9. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Besides the the Law & Order series (all of them) where did the term "a bus" orginate?

    CAMELTOEHUNTER Well-Known Member

    Just the sound made my stomach turn, I watched the whole thing. BTW, there was zero time to get near her to prevent/cushen the landing, Started to beat myself up a bit thinking there could have been a way to be of more assistance, but moms talked me out of it, said "there's no way for you to predict the future you did what you could"

    When I described what happened to 911 they asked that I stay there in case the police needed a "statement"

    I wasn't going anywhere untill I saw this lady in the hands of medical personell anyhow.

    I do feel good about the way I handled the call though, while her daughter was in her immediate reaction, I was already on the line with EMS anwsering questions, and keeping kinda like a live feed to them of her current condition.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010

    CAMELTOEHUNTER Well-Known Member

    Seemed like a nice woman, pretty sure she would, but not one I'd like to see...:crackup:
  12. R6Anton

    R6Anton Well-Known Member

    geez that gave me the shivers, couldn't imagine hearing and seeing that... nice job fast acting

    CAMELTOEHUNTER Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys, I think most people here would have done the same thing
  14. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla


    Good job regardless :up:
  15. 2Big4Bike

    2Big4Bike Well-Known Member

    Wow, her head hit the concrete and it did not bust open...she's gonna become one tough zombie! :eek: :D

    Glad she seemed alright. :up:
  16. caferace

    caferace No.

    Apparently, she wasn't a stand up gal.

  17. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Oh snap! That's funny. And wrong.
    But mostly funny.
  18. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Still leaves one to wonder if she can corner low though.
  19. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    If she woulda hit her head on the curb........... that's cornering low.

    Good job BTW!!!! OP
  20. Chris13

    Chris13 Which lever is the Brake?

    Most people would pull out their phone to start a youtube vid.

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