Wes Cooley Suzuki Brakes

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by 70yamahaR5, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. 70yamahaR5

    70yamahaR5 Well-Known Member

    Attached Files:

  2. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

  3. matthewlee

    matthewlee Well-Known Member

    cool bike!
  4. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Lockheed calipers, I would bet...add on the 'period' Lockheed master cylinder, and you've got the right recipe to make the hair stand up on the back of yer neck every time you use the brakes...try 'AP Racing', ask for caliper CP2696-38. Get two of them, one for each side.
  5. T.Read

    T.Read Well-Known Member

    In one of those pictures the right caliper says Tokico on it. Cool bike for sure.
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Yep...I wonder if the same calipers are available...if not, the Lockheeds are a decent replacement, although probably costly.
  7. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

  8. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    V5? Upgrade to a whole new front end. Upside down forks are legal along with 4 piston calipers (not radial). 17 inch wheel is legal so you can run modern 120/70 R17 slicks. That would be the best way to go. Typically, all you have to do is figure out a way to use the original steering stem in the complete new front end and triples.
  9. charles

    charles The Transporter

    And what way would that be....friendo?
  10. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    The best, Charles...Good, better, best...The one true way, the tao of really swell, couldn't be better, thanks for asking, best way...
  11. charles

    charles The Transporter

    What time do you close?
  12. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Close, Charles? We don't close, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Did the fat lady sing? Where's our waitress? We're not leaving 'till we're heaving, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back, service is our middle name, please pull through to the second window, inflate your shoes and follow the yellow line...
  13. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    why dont you just get some 95 6r calipers?There 4piston.and cheap!! I dont know know if 6pistons are legal! but some from a GSXR are all around and cheap!I put some on my VFR with a F3 front! they work so good!I would check that out before trying to find some old stuff! brakes have come a long way and be sire to size the master to them1 the smaller the master piston the less effort it takes to pull on the lever! I have photos too! let me know! I also have calipers with the master for a 6r! later!

    Steven Isenhower VFR #52 V-6 (L) 2001 V-6
  14. 70yamahaR5

    70yamahaR5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, all, for the replies. The GS will also be racing with that "other organiztion" where inverted forks are prohibited and calipers are limited to 2 pistons in Superbike. Party poopers. The only real front end swap, then, is a circa 1990 gsxr, which I'm not interested in doing. What's the point of vintage racing if half the bike isn't? Looks goofy, too. The omniscient and often omnipresent Charles has put me onto a viable caliper/rotor upgrade that I will track down. Stay tuned.
  15. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    If you can't accept that, than I don't know what to tell you.
  16. charles

    charles The Transporter

    You don't know what you're talking about, do you?
  17. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Everyone closes. What time do you close?
  18. mtiberio

    mtiberio Well-Known Member

  19. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

  20. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I have to close now.

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