Combat Handguns allowed in..Starbucks!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Tinfoil hat charly, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    The black helicopters manned by the UN stormtroopers are coming to get ma' monkeys!!!!

    But me and ma' gun will save 'merica for NASCAR, Apple Pie and the Lawyers!
  2. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    I'm pretty sure if they are in the movie "Every Which Way But Loose"...but thats an I guess I don't know.

  3. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Fixed it for ya... Need to be inclusive. :D
  4. RobertoRolfo

    RobertoRolfo Banned

    You are not prepared, that is the funny part. The joke is on you. If some douchebag sneaks up behind you and hits you over the head with a baseball bat, your gun ain't gonna do shit. When you wake up tied to a pole, the only thing your gun is gonna do is make you even more pissed off cause you can't use it. The gun gives you an illusion of safety. You like illusions? Cool. I like reality.

    And I hate to bust your bubble, but I am an american... I just don't live there. I vote through the mail though, so don't worry.

    The odds of being run over by a soccer mom in an SUV are what, infinitely higher than being shot by someone (none the less shot by someone in a situation where I would have been capable of defending myself with a gun).

    I'll tell you what though, you take all the SUV's and cell phones away from the soccer moms, and I'll turn in my helmet for street riding. Wait for it, I'm going somewhere with this... If there were really tough gun laws keeping those guns out of the hands of criminals, non-criminals wouldn't feel compelled to carry guns for the sake of their safety illusion.

    You bought up the 2nd amendment, and I'm really not sure you even want to go down this road... but suffice to say that when said amendment was conceptualized, there were no morons walking into Starbucks with guns on them. The founding fathers would laugh today if they heard the gun nuts mentioning their names. They would laugh at a lot of things, yes, but that would be right up on the list.

    You want to protect people with a gun, become a cop. You want to protect yourself only (selfish dick), then get a dog. The dog will do the job just fine, and I wouldn't mind if you took him into Starschmucks with you.
  5. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    You're an American? Dear God, please give up your citizenship and resign, you rather sicken me. "Yeeeeaaaaahhh, Euro is greeeeaattt, Americaaaaa succcks".

    Did I say I was prepared for every situation? You really are a moron aren't you? I've never insulted anyone in here, but I guess I'll go down that road since you bothered insulting me first. A meteor could fall out of the sky and land on me too; but you know what... I'm more prepared than you are. I practice often. I know my guns inside and out. I practice serious gun safety rules. I obey the laws. You don't even know me and yet imply I'm a moron? There are a million scenarios. For every one you throw out, I can throw out another. Simply put, I'm more prepared than you for a violent encounter. This goes well beyond gun training. I believe in standing up for myself, not cowering and being a pussy like you. "Here Mr. Badguy, have my money, and my wife, just don't shoot me!"

    So, since the founding fathers didn't envision a future with starbucks, the 2nd amendment is now null and void? Should we do away with it? What about the others? Free speech? What about illegal search and seizure? I mean, surely 'ole Georgy didn't envision a future with terrorists and the internet right? So that means all those pesky liberties and rights are null and void, right? Oh, I'm also glad you were able to talk with the founding fathers for their opinion. I'd like to talk to a few other historical figures since you've tuned into the ethereal realm!
  6. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    The government uniform and the taxation gives you the illusion that someone else cares more about your safety than their own. Really one should substitute "ignorance of your sacrifice" for "illusion" in your tribal advice.

    And selfishness is a virtue. It's ridiculous to believe that someone else would ever have your best interests in mind over their own. Thus, individual rights exist before government as self evident rather than flow from government.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  7. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    You really are delisional if you believe that shit.

    Where I grew up you didn't have cops available to protect you with guns. If you called 911 and told them there was a shooting on our property it would take them 25 minutes to get there with the sirens going.

    I work as security at a big bar in a TN city. If we call dispatch and tell them that there's a stupid drunk with a weapon it can take them anywhere from 5-15 minutes to get there. Just depends on what they are doing and what part of the county they are in.

    That is one of the main reasons that most cops(at least all that I know) believe in citizens being armed as long as they are trained and responsible.

    We have plenty of laws that are there to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. It's against the law for them to have guns.

    And you won't get to me to hit me in the head with a baseball bat. I don't let people sneak up behind me. I don't go into dark alleys and I stay alert to my surroundings.
  8. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Government does that for Roberto. He has no worries. Or he's gonna be a cop. Not sure which.
  9. RobertoRolfo

    RobertoRolfo Banned

    One at at time...

    Dave, I'm not "ignorant of my sacrifice." I'm well aware of what I sacrifice when I pay taxes, and I am happy to do it.

    I understand that it makes more sense to have someone else work full time to protect me (a cop) so I can work full time on something else. I like knowing that he is there to protect my shit when I am out on the track riding and can't protect it myself (do you carry a gun out on track too?)

    And yes, I'm happy that he works for the government, so that he can't just do whatever he likes... so that he answers to the public, not the majority shareholder.

    Clay, who say's you are more prepared than me? Just cause you carry a gun you are more prepared? You don't know me... you don't know fuck about me. Maybe I'm a better bullet dodger than you are. Sound crazy? Just about as crazy as what you said.

    But yeah, feel free to be that guy that tries to get his gun out when being held up. I hope you are super quick on the draw. Again, sound crazy? Are we living in the fucking wild west? Why do I get the feeling you are itching for a shootout? And why do I get the impression you are that tourist that tries to stare down the nearest black guy on the NYC subway, to 'show that you aren't intimidated and to be ready.'

    I'm no euro elitist, but I can use some basic logic and understand what the founding fathers would most likely think about things (studying history, as opposed to gun manuals, helps). The constitution is a brilliant document, but it isn't perfect. That is why they allowed for amendments. It may not last forever, but they envisioned amendments to allow it to adapt and endure as long as possible.

    Free speech they would be great with. The guns, not so much. Their idea of bearing arms is totally different to the way people like you bear arms. Their idea of free speech, however, is nearly identical to the current idea of free speech. I can go on and on, but the point is that your argument is weak. Small, outdated portions of the constitution can be changed, and the founding fathers would want them changed. If you can't understand which they are, that is your problem... AND mine, since you are allowed to vote.

    RCJohn, you live in the sticks, so? Is that really your whole argument? You going with the "rural" defense? Ok. Dark alley or not, I'm sure somewhere out there is a guy who is plenty capable of sneaking up on you and hitting you in the back of the head with a bat. Dark alley not needed. And I'm sure you would like to think you don't "let" anyone sneak up on you... but really now.

    Just curious though. Do you feel like you need a gun to deal with Brad Wesley? Isn't there some other way? I know he has monster trucks and shit, but come on.
  10. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I don't live in the stick any longer but what the fuck does that have to do with the fact that your police-are-to-protect-you argument is stupid.

    If citizens aren't allowed to carry firearms then the idiots with bats get more brave.

    Whether you believe it or not, I do pay attention to people sneaking around with bats unless I'm at the ballpark. I would hope that you do too. ;) It's not a common thing outside of dark alleys. My oldest brother got hit in the back of the head with a brick in Memphis(where we did live pre-sticks) a few years ago. He made the mistake of going into a dark alley to piss after he had been drinking. A move I would have never done and I asked him what the fuck he was thinking. He's smarter than that but he's always had this invincible mindset. I don't.

    I have many years of being a bouncer in bars. Though I'm not the asshole type, I pay close attention to my surroundings when I'm out and about... especially in the cities where I've worked.

    I'm also not one that believes a gun is always going to save me. Most bad people aren't going to sneak up with a bat.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    The right to bear baseball bats is guaranteed is the constitution. They can have ma' bat when they pry it from my cold, dead hands!
  12. DeeZR6

    DeeZR6 WERA BBS #1


    Remember this lovely saying, it will help a lot in your gravest moments: "When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away."

    If you are married or live with someone, I want you to do a little experiment for my amusement and your education. Go buy a stopwatch, if you don't have one, and have your S/O sit on the couch. You go walk outside the house/apt/door and then start the stopwatch. Come in the house and see how long it takes you to get to her and then just take a seat. Don't talk, just stare at each other. After sitting there for five FULL minutes, tell me the amount of carnage you could have caused IF she had had the opportunity to call 911 IMMEDIATELY as you walked in.

    That should shed some light as to why a lot of us carry guns on us during our waking hours. It's a means of defense and is a great responsibility. Honestly, I feel people who DON'T carry should be taxed more since they rely exclusively on tax payer benefits for protection, but that's just my opinion!

  13. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I have 3 myself. :D
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    But if we had tough laws that made it illegal for criminals to have guns your experiment wouldn't be necessary. :up:

    Oh wait, nevermind. I forgot, we do have tough laws that forbid criminals from have weapons. :rolleyes:
  15. RobertoRolfo

    RobertoRolfo Banned

    Well that sounds a lot more reasonable.

    Sure, police response times are never going to be instantaneous, but the idea is that they are the "law enforcement." Yes, people can/should defend themselves, but thinking a gun is a sure/smart/superior defense is shortsighted. If you live in an isolated area where it takes the cops a long time to arrive, it is reasonable to want to protect your house with a gun. But carrying one in public is another story. Whatever, the idea is that you can't predict every situation, and a gun doesn't change that. Not that you are really arguing that, but others seem to be.

    But you didn't answer my question about Brad Wesley. Did you miss it, or are you just really tired of Roadhouse jokes by now?
  16. RobertoRolfo

    RobertoRolfo Banned

    So let me guess, you NEVER leave your wife's side, right? You are home with her every single second she is at home? And the rest of the day as well?

    Total security is an illusion. If that is what you are chasing, you have other issues... and all the guns in the world wont solve them. But, again, for most of these situations a dog would be better. Two dogs would be ideal!

    And you really think everyone should be carrying a gun? You trust your fellow citizens to play judge, jury and executioner? Come on.

    RCJohn, tougher gun laws that are strictly enforced would be a good start. And we don't have that now. And no, that wouldn't apply to guns in the house or "sporting" guns... common sense helps.
  17. scotth

    scotth Banned

    This is a Colt .45. From this distance it'll...really raise a welt on your head (when I throw it at you)...
  18. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    In all my travels and living in and near major cities and in the country, I've never faced a situation where I would have pulled a weapon. Of course, I've never pulled one for protection(other than against animals in the woods). Haven't actually carried one much. I prefer avoiding the bad situation so that predictability never becomes an issue.

    I think you and I are actually more in agreement on this.

    There's a lot of people that shouldn't be carrying weapons that are. :eek:

    I actually missed the Brad Wesley comment. He wouldn't have lasted long where I grew up. :D One funny thing is that the owner of the bar I work at is a huge trophy hunter like Wesley was in that movie. He's from Jordan but really likes his American freedoms. Well the ones he's had sense getting out of the federal prison. :p
  19. DeeZR6

    DeeZR6 WERA BBS #1

    I know, I am weird. I actually believe that people are smarter and more accessible than police for their own personal security. Strange ideology, huh? Do you even know anything about the process of obtaining a CHL or a gun for that matter? You can't just get them out of the cracker jack's box if you follow the law, please tell me you know that, right? Now, if you're a criminal, then yes, a whole 'nother world opens up because you are not going to follow the law anyway.

    And my wife carries, too, and is a hell of a shot who doesn't crack under pressure. I think you would have better odds trying to kill me then her.

  20. DeeZR6

    DeeZR6 WERA BBS #1

    What exactly do you propose? (This should be good...) Define sporting to start with and then we can take it from there. And what exactly is a combat handgun from the OP? I don't know one military force who has ever gone to war with just handguns, or am I wrong?

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