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vintage wrap up

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by VVRONGO, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The V5, V6, and V7 bikes could run the long Solos as well in the existing class structures.

    Don't think many 2 strokes could run that distance without a fuel stop. Kawi H2 750 might need a couple. :D
  2. joec

    joec brace yourself

    thats it, im buying an sv too.....if we cant complain in vintage anymore, we'll find something to complain about in modern. haha.
  3. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    If there was a solo 30 or 0, with a vintage class or 2 I wonder how many FZR, F2 etc would enter? I would really be tempted to run the FZ if there was a lightweight vintage class, if I could find somebody to ride it with me. Maybe Tex would travel to Tally to ride my FZ. By the way, the closest WERA race for me is Grattan, about 15+ hours. I can really only plan one race with WERA per year. Last year it was Barber, theis year I am looking at Talladega. I sure wished WERA would do Blackhawk and or Road America.

  4. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    You gotta be kidding me.

    The first poster, you, and melch have done nothing but "help" threaten the future of WERA vintage.

    Thanks for that.
  5. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    I just want to clarify that the Solo 40 (or whatever you call it on a non-vintage weekend) would be a modern class, but vintage bikes could run if they want.

    Hi Wade. Welcome.

  6. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    funny there are some long time wv guys on here posting there views that are alot more to the point then I, but have the same concerns.If this helps then it was worth it,if not then it was almost dead anyway.
  7. VintageRacerRoy

    VintageRacerRoy Well-Known Member

    WERA is a dictatorship, whether the customers like it or not. As history has shown, if a dictator is antaginized by followers, the dictator can retaliate in any way they see fit. So here we are, with the possibility of no WERA vintage racing next year. Speaking for myself, I sure would like to be able to enjoy the company of other vintage racers and the venues we are lucky enough to race at held by WERA.

    My hat is in my hand.

    WERA #778
    AHRMA #778
  8. footwork

    footwork Honda Research Analyst

    I really don't have any enemies in WV and I don't care to make any by posting on this thread- but..... I NEVER remember Tim badmouthing WV at all until after his close friend Mark Mitchell was ousted from his position of Director of WV. I can not help but believe that a majority of Tim's animosity is still based around his frusteration of that scenario and that he is just pursuing the "usual supsect"* route to cast a dark light on WV. The good old days with the Breckons running the show was great- we all miss it- the economy was booming, WV was getting press in Cycle News, Rick was the best Awards Cermony MC and it was always an amazing atmosphere at the track. There was a combination of many different things that were going right. The fact that WV might feel different now is not the fault of any one person- it is the reality of many many different factors. Like I said in my one other post in this thread- i feel lucky that WV still is around. How much fun would it be for most to try and make some of the AHRMA rounds 900 miles away, or head to Moroso with CCS to race their pseudo 1 size fits all vintage class?

    *poor attendance
    *cost increases
    *percieved poor management
  9. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    Like it or not, Wera and Wera Vintage are the best thing going today.

    I think the way to solve the problems as I see them in regards to what I have read for the most part in this and other like threads.

    Instead of adding classes, bump existing bike/riders from the top down. Add the newer faster bikes there. It may be possible to only bump some of the existing bikes down, or allow them bumped down but with restrictions. Must remain SS.

    That gives existing bikes another class to bump up into, more possible revenue. It may also attract new riders who now have an option for a class on a bike they already own that they dont have to spend a ton of money on to be competetive. It costs plenty just to get on track for rider and bike. Add some places for this to happen and grow isnt the word, maintain what we have.

    Its been done before with formula CB, letting disk brakes in V-2, some with limited mods.

    Richard Lucas
    Its as simple as ridership up, add classes, ridership down, contract and add bikes. Hopefully maintain revenue, atleast until times change.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  10. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    Some perspective from where we are and wera we came. Vintage 1 thru 6 is all there was.

    Rd 400's first class was V-4, bumping to V-5 in '94-'95
  11. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    I think the best thing for the future is for you and your VRC cronies (that want to turn back the clock) is to go away. You have offered no solid input on this tread. You and the minority have grabbed the wheel of the vintage bus, locked the doors, blocked the exits, shot the passengers in the knee and are attempting to drive the bus off the cliff (while on fire)... laughing the whole time.

    In fact, you are, to me, what is clearly wrong with racing and vintage racing in general. No amount of talent you posses will make up for the vile and hate that comes from your posts. You take no gratitude or thanks in having the ability to race or be with fellow racers, to enjoy what very little of the of the riding public (or general public) will experience or even attempt to understand. We are a family (disfuctional at times). You are the poster child of what the modern races view as 'one of those bitching vintage guys'. And you are reaping what YOU sow. You and your like should go and and habitat another org and pollute those already oiled waters. Because you belong there.

    If I was Ev and Shawn, I would have cut your ass loose at least 1 season ago. No license, no forum, nothing. You are the 10% of those that, after the VRC days, more than likely bitching than helping, and perceive your bitching as helping. It isn't. Suck on that.

    So in summary, go away. You want to make a difference? Buy WERA Vintage from Ev. I'm sure she will let it go, after all this. Then you and your fucked up buddies can take all the money you stashed away from bitching about gates fees and whatever else, start over and plow that self-made paper plane into the ground. I'm sure WERA will bail your ass out when you ruin that, too.

    As far as the positive comments, keep them coming. I'm sure Seam might see some changes or at least keep vintage around for 2010.
  12. Fireball

    Fireball Well-Known Member

    Well said Pete.
  13. joec

    joec brace yourself

    as blunt as that was.....i think its pretty much right on the money.

    the vrc seems like a great idea, but if it didnt work, well, it didnt work. mongo and ev run the show. if they were unhappy with it, well....its their gig. if its true, about the resentment about the vrc thing still on the surface, jesus, that was like what, 6 years ago?? i mean, isnt it time to move on? the gnf entry hasnt probably changed. the other stuff seems minimal. i have to wonder though, did sean have to deal with this much petty stuff then, or did the vrc do it? i like mark. im great friends with both bucky and chris. i know mark and bucky took it pretty hard. but even those guys are back racing with wera. i just dont see what the big deal is anymore.
  14. phantom 309

    phantom 309 Well-Known Member

    Dang peter all this from a guy that has not run one single vintage race.I don't like racing with one guy but I guess that is too much to ask. I also run modern and have not had one single gripe with that side of wera. I will take your advise and stay home untill there is some riders on the grid ,Injoy. Tim Joyce #309
  15. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    Your still here? Sorry I interrupted your plan on stealing Christmas from the homeless. Go away. Nobody wants you.
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    You know I leave the vintage section alone and leave you to your own devices. You weren't a pain in my ass. You clean up your own messes and don't need your hands held.

    You all can thank a few for my keeping a closer eye on this section.
  17. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed

    Are you the same guy that was bashing WERA vintage a few years ago and touting how great AHRMA was

  18. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Well....I think there are what...3 or 4 threads on here asking for change in the vintage segment of WERA. If the racers want change...and the racers are the life blood of this racing org, then why not give them change. They have even propositioned said changes. Set up a pole and let the one competing in the classes help to assist these changes.

    I only ran V7 for a short time but I do feel that changes should be made. As the years go on, more bikes will become "vintage". Changes will need to be made. I loved seeing all of the truly vintage bikes at Barber this year. Great fun. I hope to continue to be able to watch them. I had even considered building another vintage bike.

    Hopefully these threads do not fall upon deaf ears.

  19. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Well....I think there are what...3 or 4 threads on here asking for change in the vintage segment of WERA. If the racers want change...and the racers are the life blood of this racing org, then why not give them change. They have even propositioned said changes. Set up a pole and let the one competing in the classes help to assist these changes.

    I only ran V7 for a short time but I do feel that changes should be made. As the years go on, more bikes will become "vintage". Changes will need to be made. I loved seeing all of the truly vintage bikes at Barber this year. Great fun. I hope to continue to be able to watch them. I had even considered building another vintage bike.

    Hopefully these threads do not fall upon deaf ears.
  20. WERA33

    WERA33 Well-Known Member

    Guess you've never been to the ahrma town meeting....

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