whats your fave whey protein?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sheik Abdul ben Falafel, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    Since I know a bunch of you guys hit the gym.

    judge the protein on three catagories:

    I will start

    optimum gold standard vanilla
    have been using it since before the price hike.

    musclemilk stawberry...what my girl uses..
    tastes good..but too expensive. not as much protein per serving as the opti.
  2. owndjoo

    owndjoo muthapucka

    BSN TrueMass choc.
    BSN Syntha-6 choc.

    depends on what cycle i'm in.
  3. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    when it comes to the best quality product i would say anything by Optimum Nutrition, but the taste goes to Muscle Milk. Besides the fact that Muscle Milk has less protein, Muscle Milk also has alot of fat (which is not bad or good depending on your workout regimine.) In my opinion any whey/casein/egg etc... protein works fine as long as it is used right and supplemented with your diet, not as a substitute.

    Personally I really like Muscle Milk cookies and cream, and ON Egg protein chocolate flavor.
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    I go Soy... drop a large scoop into a mix of Ensure (yes, I'm that old) and fruit and conquer the world.

    Or at least motivation to trim the hedges. :D

  5. Eagle088

    Eagle088 Banned

    I really like monster milk by cytosport. Chocolate or vanilla.
  6. Jyn

    Jyn Well-Known Member

    I've been out of the game for awhile, but AllTheWhey is some of the best tasting stuff I've ever had. Mint chocolate :drool:
  7. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    Optimum Rocky Road or Cookies and Cream
  8. hotnail

    hotnail Well-Known Member

    Im a distance runner and I really like any of the stuff by Hammer. Good Stuff
  9. da chop

    da chop BEN SPIES is my hero.

    Fat? thats why you have to do Muscle Milk Lite.
  10. OldSlowGuy

    OldSlowGuy Unregistered User

    Muscle Milk Lite - get it by the case at Sams. Great for a quick snack an hour and a half or so before hitting the gym.
  11. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I'm a cyclist and I use Hammer Whey during strength cycles and Hammer Recoverite during endurance cycles. I pretty much don't look outside the Hammer inventory anymore.
  12. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    WalMart chocolate.
  13. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    after working out for the good 10-12 years...I got to know my body...it hates fat lol...I wont gain any bodyfat eating any carbs...I eat fat and I bloat up....very weird....I drink optimum casein protein before i go to bed.
  14. superbikestore

    superbikestore Well-Known Member

    Beverly International UMP or Muscle Provider. Any all natural competitors you talk to will swear by it.
  15. bjs8579

    bjs8579 Well-Known Member

    I got back into working out 3 months ago after taking 3 years off.

    MuscleTech Meso-Tech Meal Replacements choc
    MusleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore Protein van and straw

    They're all gross. I hate taking the stuff, but I went from 155 to 180 in 2 months and bf% stayed under 10, so I guess it works.

    I may try something different if you guys have any good suggestions, but I would also like to lose some weight now.
  16. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    Optimum natural vanilla or chocolate
  17. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member

    I really like the 'gold' stuff from GNC, and Muscle Milk is awesome if you can afford it (and aren't looking to lose weight)

    honestly, i usually buy whatever i can get the best deal on... the 10 lbs bags aren't cheap to ship, but GNC is a big enough rip off that I rationalize the shipping.

    taking the protein 3x each day, and getting the lifting in is what really matters anyway...

    cheap protein + NO Xplode + working out 6-7 hours a week had me in the best shape of my life. Now i'm probably only working out 3-4 hours a week and i carry about 15 lbs less muscle. doesn't hurt the power-to-weight ratio though :) I wish i had the time to work out like i used to. Makes me wonder why i wasn't a 215 lbs beast in college...
  18. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    A bit of thread jacking here...
    There are so many products out there it's confusing. I'm looking for a protein powder that is low fat, low carb, and low cholesterol. The stuff at Walmart has a ton of cholesterol in it. Any advice?????
  19. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I know the Hammer Whey qualifies but it's not cheap.
  20. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Optimum Gold Standard double chocolate is what I find tastes the best.

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