Why a finger on the clutch mid corner?

Discussion in 'General' started by RoadracerR123, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. RoadracerR123

    RoadracerR123 Well-Known Member

    I see pictures all the time of GP and WSBk guys with one finger on the clutch mid-corner.

    Any idea why they do this?

    Is there a technique that I don't know about???

  2. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Habit... stretching there fingers... maybe.
  3. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    Poor man's traction control. Habit from when they didn't have TC.
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    Because shit happens?

    I was rather freaked when I saw in pictures how deep into corners I trail-brake until I realized the fingers were just "there" because I never moved them off and I wasn't still braking much. Once I forced myself to wrap all four around the throttle I actually got better drive out.

    It's like the leg-dangle dealio. It's what they do. Don't try and second-guess some things....

  5. Razorboy

    Razorboy ZAG Racing LLC

    I haven't seen any pictures in particular but from what we have learned, racers tend to use the clutch as part of the braking procedure. By downshifting a couple of times and dragging the clutch out slowly, they can keep the engine rpms up and feather the clutch until the rear wheel speed matches the engine speed. This insures that the motor is in the optimum rpm range for the drive out of the corner. If the rear starts to slide, they tend to just pull the clutch in a little to take the load of the rear tire until it hooks up again. Probably just leftover habit before TC?
    Either that or they are all just giving us the bird!!

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    For any of them who rode the smokers it's an old habit to save themselves from highsiding if the engine seizes mid corner.
  7. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

  8. OldSlowGuy

    OldSlowGuy Unregistered User

    Someone should have mentioned that to Yvonne... :D
  9. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    I do it to keep from holding on to tight and getting arm pump. But I have no idea why they do it.
  10. caferace

    caferace No.

    I taught that in NRS even for diesels. Parts break, bad things happen......

  11. RoadracerR123

    RoadracerR123 Well-Known Member

    I just figured for traction control on those bikes it makes no sense...
  12. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

    hell, ive always done it, never knew why, i guess maybe because since ive never had a slipper clutch, im usually slipping the clutch on entry anyhow, and my fingers just never leave the lever until im actually exiting the corner. It HAS saved my ass a couple of times from either taking too many downshifts to catching a false neutral to having a chain come off mid corner. :eek:
  13. DaveB

    DaveB Just Riding Around

    No idea why. Turns out I do it from looking at pictures taken at the track, I'm not even concious of doing it. May be a carryover from when I used to ride dirt bikes.
  14. Russell2566

    Russell2566 Chicken Strips are Yummy

    I rode motorcycle trials for years before getting into the road racing so I probably have more clutch control and clutch habits than the average rider, but I NEVER take my finger off the clutch.

    Finger on the clutch all the time, really the only way to go IMO.
  15. RoadracerR123

    RoadracerR123 Well-Known Member

    I guess what I'm getting at is that it looks badass and I wish I did it.
  16. jr46

    jr46 Well-Known Member

    he got it
  17. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

  18. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    funny but I can't pull clutch with one finger, I keep both index fingers on levers all the time, it just feels natural to me. I can't ride with all fingers around grip. I feel like holding toothpick and have no control.
  19. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Total agreement with Sean and JU. Anyone who has ridden two strokes, especially older, less reliable, hot-rodded ones, will forever keep touch with the clutch. Kept moon shots minimized.

    Guys like Aaron Yates who use the clutch in corner entry also cover the lever. Two stroke motocross guys cover it, if you've ever taken a Gary Bailey MX school, you'll find your fingers being smashed with a stick if you don't. Habits are hard to break when pain is involved.
  20. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    so how long until everyone does it? like the leg dangle? :D

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