Another No-Knock Police Raid

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    So the Prince George County SWAT team delivered a package of marijuana to a house in Berwyn Heights, kicked down the door even though they didn't have a no-knock type warrant, shot the guy's two black labs even though the dogs didn't attack officers, and then handcuffed the guy and his wife at gunpoint.

    D'oh! :D

    After not finding a shred of evidence the police lied about what happened. A week later they arrested a FedEx employee. No apologies yet but a lawsuit is pending.

    Assume Mayor Calvo was in fact the drug kingpin of Berwyn Heights. Would the police's actions have been justified?
  2. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Yes, they should arrest FedEx employees if the mayor is the kingpin.
  3. Smokngun

    Smokngun Well-Known Member

    Knock-knock, "Were from the government, were here to help"

    The militarization of police depatments really bothers me.:down:
  4. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    I think environmental religion being imposed on me in my daily life bothers me more.
  5. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    You know, I think some militarly push ups and maybe some running might help "militarize" that one cop you have in Palmyra. Sorry, but he looks a lot bigger than that guy in Mall Cop even when he's wearing slimming police blue... :D
  6. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    This happened six months ago.

    Slow FTP week in the dungeon I guess.
  7. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    With the SB starting soon I didnt have the patience to skim every word of the 5 page article, from what I saw they were granted a no knock warrant so what's up with your quote?
  8. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    No, slow in Canada. Too much Paul Anka on the radio this month I guess. Must have drove Bob out.
  9. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Doesn't matter...
  10. Triumph#207

    Triumph#207 Well-Known Member

    Has you ever thought of consulting your local shrink Dave? You seems to have somewhat of hangup on this one so thought a little bit of horizontal time on the couch might help some.

    Just a suggestion is all here :D
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  11. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused


    I understand what you're saying.

    But there is continued intervention into the freedom of my life. Yours too. You might decide to give that up. I don't think I should.

    Carbon credits and climate change BS in the budget? Yeah, the carbon credits are ridiculous, and there are way too many scientists that have data over environmental consensus.

    It's forced on me by government. If it was all so good, I'd expect the environmental supporters to actually do the stuff themselves. And that would be good for them.

    I'm all about conservation, because that saves my family money.

    Others like to roll over. I guess that's "change"?
  12. Smokngun

    Smokngun Well-Known Member

    :crackup:You've met 'Bubba'?:D
  13. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    No, but I've seen him around...well, he's hard to miss...LOL!
  14. Sage871T

    Sage871T Well-Known Member

    I'm tempted to write an essay on this infringement of rights. I'm just so besides myself with stories like this that are becoming unfortunately more and more common in the People's Republic of America. It's not just "jack booted thugs" (can someone tell me who first said that, it was sometime in the early 90's) kicking in doors, it's Echelon, Carnivore, et al. I used to think shit get overhyped, but not so anymore.

    Semi Off Topic. Anyone a Vuze HD user, ? Lately I've been watching a lot of "documentaries" on NWO, Capitalist conspiriacy, bilderberger, etc. Hours of interesting/ weird angles. Also they have a bunch other good content.
  15. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    The Post ran the story today. I thought it was an interesting topic after the previous no-knock discussion b/c it is still not resolved.

    They weren't, although they claimed there are no no-knock warrants in MD. In fact they didn't have any warrant with them at the time of the raid.

    But their justification for not knocking, that the mayor's wife saw them through the window, is curious. Even if they had knocked, presumably she would have seen them through the peephole on the door or when she opened it on the chain. So in terms of preventing her from alerting the mayor/kingpin and his henchman so they didn't have time to grab their Uzis, what difference does it make?

    And they knew the marijuana (that might be destroyed) weighed 32 lbs b/c they had just delivered it. I myself have never taken a dump quite that large but it seems reasonable to guess it would take a considerable amount of time to flush. Meaning they were worried, what, it might be burned? Or eaten?

    Anyway, ignore the fact that it was the mayor's house and they killed his labs:

    As a result of a courier dropping off a package at your home should the police be allowed to kick in your door, handcuff you at gunpoint and search your home for evidence to arrest you?
  16. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Apparently so based on prior case law.

    Did they eliminate criminalization of drugs in Canada? That would help.
  17. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    The Michigan case you linked applies in Maryland?
  18. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    "No-knock" situations are up to the discretion of the LEOs involved in said arrest. It's part of the Social Contract here in the U.S.. Crackheads and con artists can feel free to leave. Oh shit, sorry Robert, you're already out!
  19. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Very odd incident, did the LEO's know what was inside the box before opening? Did they know it'd be weed or were they hoping for something else?

    Either way, looks like someone gonna take a big hit for this one.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  20. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Drug sniffing dogs discovered the box contained marijuana and so the police delivered it. Read the last Post link which describes the no-knock warrant they should have had.

    The FBI stepped in and is doing a “civil rights review.”

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