"America's Defense Meltdown"

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robert, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    The fact that he is not an American or doesn't even live in the U.S. makes his opinion less qualified and a lot less worthy. If he wants to talk about America's foreign policy effect on the world fine but continually trying to point out what he considers flaws in the U.S. is not.

    The basis of his original post, which is not even his point but some one else's he quoted to try and point out a perceived flaw in the U.S., was that budget and development for the military has been suspect. Please tell me how that effects a person that is not a citizen or even a resident? Actually I think Chip asked a fair question that Robby won't answer.......if he thinks the U.S. military is so bad then show how Canada's is better and has been repeatedly better in protecting it's people. Also if he thinks the military is so defunct maybe we should just protect our own and not answer the continued calls to police the world since it is becoming a drain and let the superior forces from countries like canada step up and take the lead.

    Maybe when you have nothing of value in your own country that makes you even more jealous of others society.
  2. scotth

    scotth Banned

    I guess I just don't see it that way. I see your point (or chippy's), that 'he may be a dick, but he's my brother', but this is the u.s. military we're talking about and though other countries may try to deny it, what we do affects everyone else like no other country. so he is an interested party.

    plus, it's not like anybody on this bbs has an inside line on military policy planning that robert doesn't and so he's insulting their baby. we're all looking in from the outside equally. hell, robert may be the most informed person on this bbs in that respect. I question the basic literacy of a large number of the posters here. and it bears repeating that some of you <ahem> still think bush is/was/might ever have been a good idea. as far as I can tell, he never had that particular strain of mental retardation. so passing consideration might be given to the idea that he in specific processes information better than you might.

    lastly (and you should like this as much as the first paragraph) canada is more or less les etats-unis du nord, whether they choose to admit it all the time or not. they get to act more sovereign than they otherwise would only because they share a border and similar strategic interests with us. they are, by and large and geo-politically-speaking, our little bitch.

    with that in mind, maybe we ought to take note of the fact that they're disagreeing with us as much as they are at this point in history. I doubt they think the fallout from a dirty bomb in new york would stop at the st. lawrence river, and I don't think they're specifically eager to alienate a huge trading partner and the world's last superpower over anything trivial.

    maybe, just maybe, we should think about listening to what they have to say.

    again, I don't see why not. it's not like he's tipping off potential terrorists to chinks in our armor. a decent security system can probably stand up to some twit on an internet bbs posting something someone else already wrote in a book or newspaper column. if it turns out it can't, well, maybe we should have been working on that all along, and I'll be the first to offer my apologies to those slagging on robert.

    right. an american, I think.

    budget and development of the military has been suspect. what logical reason can the color of his passport have on the truth of that statement? if it's just chauvinism (and you say that it is), well, jesus, I think we need all the voices we can get pointing that out at this point.

    see above. he is affected. canada depends in large part on its proximity to the united states for its self defense. we go down, they're hurting, too. besides, I'm willing to bet he's put in as much time in a uniform of the armed forces of the u.s. as you and chippy have.

    which is a retarded question and not really germane to what robert is trying to say or how you're trying to disprove him. it's like asking how come chip's such a worse lay than I am when his dick's six inches smaller. he just doesn't have the firepower.

    those were canadian troops scaling cliffs and storming beaches in normandy, even if they did get the easy ones. as proxy americans they seem to be there when it really counts.

    good fuckin' call. sadly, your guy thinks team america world police was a documentary.

    meh. the canadians I know seem happy with their lot. most of them are smug little fuckers, and that comes with leeching off american power at reduced rates, but to say they have nothing of value is a stretch. I quite like montreal. I hear toronto is nice, too.
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!


    I am invoking the BBS mercy rule to stop this fight.
  4. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    There is such a thing?
  5. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Purse supply runnin' low?
  6. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  7. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Robert's opinions are valid and he can speak his mind...it's just there's not much he can really do about it. If he's really pissed I guess he can politic up in Kanuckistan to kick the Yankees out/break all military ties, etc etc but that's not likely to happen. Just like our bitchin about the miltary's poor business sense is not likely to change it.
    What we did do is elect a new President who is definately a change from past administrations (better or worse will take a few years to determine). My initial stake on the matter is the new administration is going to spend like never before, AND that's saying something! Will we spend smarter? Probably not, since when did throwing money around lead to frugality?
    When it comes to spending on the military I guess I'd rather err on the side of being a "little" (ha ha) wasteful in the attempt to do everything for troops that makes sense.
    Surprisingly no one has mentioned training...this is probably the one area where our spending has had the biggest bang for the buck.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The problem is nothing to do with Bob's voicing of his opinions as a foreigner so much as he does nothing on this board but bitch about the US and how it's run. If there has been anything positive it's been swallowed up by this overwhelming morass of jealousy and hate for this country and it's leaders.

    If you want to keep hating that's fine, but you need to remember people tend to get defensive of their country especially when you're on the outside looking in and constantly bitching.
  9. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    Right on, of course. :D

    The bitching being done by bystanders , are bitching with a strength we in the military maintain[ed] for them when we take the Oath to Protect and Preserve the Constitution of these United States. Dissent is encouraged, just don't get too close to the actual battlefield with it. Robert, have you ever served in a military unit? Canadian or otherwise?
  10. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    I am the first to admit I am no fan of your current pres but I am not jealous of the US, just keen about politics. There are a handful of long time posters here who I respect and find interesting specifically because their politics differ greatly from mine. The focus is on US politics, so if I wasn't a supporter of your country I would not post. Simple as that. (btw, here is me yesterday defending George Bush's integrity (not his actions) and telling edge23 that his upcoming service in Iraq is not “ignoble,” but on the contrary, very important!).

    Here are 21 out of the last 50 threads I started. This is overwhelming (perhaps for some, I agree) but a morass or jealousy and hate? (compared to, say, IYC or 999)

    Iraq approves the SoFA
    CIA Director appointment
    National Security Advisor selection
    Those Mammoths will have laser beams attached to their heads
    WPost Spam Story
    Joe the Blogger
    Pakistan: A Bigger Problem Than Afghanistan?
    Life Imitates Art Imitating Life
    Crazy govt rules
    The Historical Aspect..
    How should McCain turn it around?
    Sarah Palin's Facebook page
    Hot or Not? The Sarah Palin Beauty Pageant Vid
    Palin - Biden Debate
    Free Advice for Democrats
    Buffet to Edwards Contributors: Launch a Class Action Suit
    'Major Discovery' on Solar Energy?
    Iran: You suck at Photoshop
    Online criminal searches
    Classic Engrish 101
    Afghanistan and narcotics
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, especially when compared to the number of posts you've made about other countries politics including your own.
  12. Czolgosz

    Czolgosz Banned

    I for one am not concerned that Robert is critical of the U.S., doesn't matter the quantity either. It's just a few lines on the screen, use the scroll wheel on your mouse and move on if you can't handle it.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And you can do the same if you don't like others voicing their opinions. Pretty cool how that street goes both ways huh? :D
  14. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    Sooo, you've never stood in a Soldier's boots or been in a leadership position commanding troops? No offense, but, have you taken any action beyond the keyboard which are supporting your intentions?
  15. Czolgosz

    Czolgosz Banned

    Somebody say somthin'? [​IMG]
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  17. cattitori

    cattitori Code SuperBike Galactic *

    I did some quick checks on this group that presented this info.;"CDI".

    Within the parameters of World Security, in any sectors of security or defence affairs, this CDI group is not recognized as an authority. The co-authors may have certainly held and maintained careers of exemplary service to the U.S.A.F., but are not seen to be a group of analysts in any sort that holds or presents info. to be considered intell..

    BTW-the title page labeling to the piece, with the Pentagon spattered in blood or on fire, is pretty much a dead give away to it's contents being moot, or that the paper is completely fictitious.

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